2 States/ SAM.gov/Grants.gov Certification

  • 2 States with applicable certification based on race, gender and business size designations

  • SAM.gov registration, entity creation, UEI creation, CAGE Code creation, SAM applicable designations based on race, gender and business size designations (excluding 8(a))

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  • 2 States with applicable certification based on race, gender and business size designations

  • SAM.gov registration, entity creation, UEI creation, CAGE Code creation, SAM applicable designations based on race, gender and business size designations (excluding 8(a))

  • 2 States with applicable certification based on race, gender and business size designations

  • SAM.gov registration, entity creation, UEI creation, CAGE Code creation, SAM applicable designations based on race, gender and business size designations (excluding 8(a))